May, 2005
Primary business career with Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, from 1962 through 1987. Became a Partner in 1969 and then Managing Director when the firm was subsequently incorporated. Founded the Firm’s Merger and Acquisition Department and was the first Partner spending full time in this field. In the mid-1970s, he was one of several Managing Directors starting the firm’s Business Development Department to develop its domestic investment banking franchise. He subsequently co-headed this group. In the early 1980s, he headed the firm’s industrial coverage group following the merger of the Firm’s Business Development and Corporate Finance Departments. He has had heavy involvement in the mainstream of the firm’s client relationships including capital raising, securities transactions, mergers and acquisitions, take-overs, defensive assignments, restructurings and general financial advice.
Following retirement from Morgan Stanley, in 1990 he founded Beechtree Capital Partners, Inc. Beechtree is a small private firm that has invested in middle market companies. At the present time, its primary investment is an equity interest in New Star International Holdings, a manufacturer in the commercial food equipment industry, headquartered in St. Louis, with sales of about $70 million.
Recreational interests, all actively pursued, include bird shooting, bicycling, hiking, skiing and traveling. One of his more extensive trips was a two month journey, in the summer of 2000, riding horseback across Montana - a 750 mile ride.
Born and raised in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Graduated from Yale University in 1954 with a B.A. degree. Served as a lieutenant on active duty in the U.S. Army from 1954-56. Graduated from the Harvard Business School in 1958 with an M.B.A. degree. Born December 20, 1932.
Primary business career with Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, from 1962 through 1987. Became a Partner in 1969 and then Managing Director when the firm was subsequently incorporated. Founded the Firm’s Merger and Acquisition Department and was the first Partner spending full time in this field. In the mid-1970s, he was one of several Managing Directors starting the firm’s Business Development Department to develop its domestic investment banking franchise. He subsequently co-headed this group. In the early 1980s, he headed the firm’s industrial coverage group following the merger of the Firm’s Business Development and Corporate Finance Departments. He has had heavy involvement in the mainstream of the firm’s client relationships including capital raising, securities transactions, mergers and acquisitions, take-overs, defensive assignments, restructurings and general financial advice.
Following retirement from Morgan Stanley, in 1990 he founded Beechtree Capital Partners, Inc. Beechtree is a small private firm that has invested in middle market companies. At the present time, its primary investment is an equity interest in New Star International Holdings, a manufacturer in the commercial food equipment industry, headquartered in St. Louis, with sales of about $70 million.
Recreational interests, all actively pursued, include bird shooting, bicycling, hiking, skiing and traveling. One of his more extensive trips was a two month journey, in the summer of 2000, riding horseback across Montana - a 750 mile ride.
Born and raised in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Graduated from Yale University in 1954 with a B.A. degree. Served as a lieutenant on active duty in the U.S. Army from 1954-56. Graduated from the Harvard Business School in 1958 with an M.B.A. degree. Born December 20, 1932.